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Al Maktoum International (AMIA)

Following the foresight of the Dubai government’s visionary leaders, DAEP is taking on the ambitious and monumental task of building the world’s largest airport - Al Maktoum International Airport, known by its IATA code as DWC which stands for Dubai World Central. The airport will be the centre of the 140 Dubai South aerotropolis, which will act as the world’s future hub for logistics, cargo, and aviation. AMIA is a crucial part of the DAEP vision; building the aviation capital of the world.

Al Maktoum International will be the largest airport on the planet.

AMI Construction Stages

Building the world’s largest airport, one megaproject at a time

In preparing for what is perhaps the largest construction in human history, DAEP has strategically planned multiple phases to execute the development of AMIA, incrementally completing projects to meet growing projections of passenger flux. When the last phase is completed, AMIA will be equipped to process 260 million passengers and 12 million tonnes of freight annually.

About AMIA

Powering a city with innovation in aviation

As the world's future largest airport, Al Maktoum International (AMIA) will realise the most ambitious aviation goals. Running completely on clean energy with expansive solar farms, the airport will be completely sustainable. It will also provide passengers an awe-inspiring travel experience, with minimal processing times and world-class facilities for relaxation and retail.

The surrounding Dubai South aerotropolis, will connect air, sea and land. This will bring the world’s businesses a multi-modal base for cost-effective and highly efficient operations. DAEP will develop the airport and surrounding infrastructure in stages, meeting capacity needs of global air travel, logistics and freight.


Key Figures

Runway capacity

0 movements

The 5 runways will be able to handle more than a million aircraft movements per year

Freight handling

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AMIA Cargo yearly capacity will be by far the world biggest

Passenger capacity


More than 260 million passengers will be able to travel through AMIA every year

Airport area


AMIA footprint will be 5 times the size of Dubai International

Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects is responsible for the design, master-planning, infrastructure development and construction of Dubai’s dynamic aviation sector.
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